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Update the CG Home Page #5

Closed riannella closed 5 years ago

riannella commented 5 years ago

Update Implementors/developers page with V2.2 info

Update Profiles page (order by version)

Remove the Draft CC Profile from the Reports list

vroddon commented 5 years ago

I have started editing https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/implementations/, but:

Also, perhaps we may start a https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/implementations/developers/ page with additional links...

vroddon commented 5 years ago

Shall we remove this page then? I have not found how to remove the link but keep the page (just in case...)... Are we sure we want to delete the page?


nitmws commented 5 years ago

@vroddon re your IPTC related question:

Note: I have updated the ODRL page about the RightsML profile: https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/profile/rightsml/

nitmws commented 5 years ago

Re Update Profiles page (order by version) Remove the Draft CC Profile from the Reports list

  1. We need a list of profiles on this page https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/profile/ - as it has no sidebar with "child-pages"
  2. We should clarify how to use versions in this context:
    • should it show the ODRL and the profile version, or only a single one (which one, in this case)?#
    • should a specific profile get individual pages for each version of if all versions should be shown on a single page.
  3. I went over the existing profile pages: IPTC: has no version number in the title. Updated the content to RightsML 2.0/ODRL 2.2 Creative Commons: it is of 2012 and tells that a draft based on ODRL 2.1 is open for comments. How to proceed? Is it the power of this CG to close such an invitation for comments? Linked Data: tells about actions in 2015. Does anybody know about any progress on that topic? OMA: is based on ODRL 1.1 - but may be still in use.
riannella commented 5 years ago

I've made all the old V2 pages "draft" so they no longer appear on the front page (on the right). I need to ask W3C how to remove the draft ODRL V1.1 CC Profile from the left-hand list. I've created two sections now for Profiles (based on the versions). We an add a new page (under V2.2) for each new profile created.

riannella commented 5 years ago

The draft ODRL V1.1 CC Profile report has been removed