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Policy state #56

Open joshcornejo opened 1 month ago

joshcornejo commented 1 month ago

At any point in time, in the policy space, there might be many possible “available” policies for an asset.

When we are evaluating, we are considering a specific instance of a policy for the triple <assigner, assignee, asset> that has been agreed, not just if a rule is fulfilled or not.

In the (basic) example below, the asset has multiple policies, which have the same permission, but different prohibitions and duties, and different assignees.

ex:Asset1                       a odrl:AssetCollection;
                   odrl:hasPolicy ex:P1, ex:P2.

ex:Permission1                  a odrl:Permission;
                      odrl:action odrl:play;
                terms:description "permission to play".

ex:Prohibition1                 a odrl:Prohibition;
                terms:description "can't be played on weekends".

ex:Prohibition2                 a odrl:Prohibition;
                terms:description "can't be played on weekdays".

ex:Duty1                        a odrl:Duty;
                terms:description "premium price for use 5 days a week".

ex:Duty2                        a odrl:Duty;
                terms:description "discounted price for use 2 days a week".

ex:P1                           a odrl:Agreement;              
                    odrl:assigner ex:Assigner;
                    odrl:assignee ex:Assignee1;                     # <------ one Assignee
                  odrl:permission ex:Permission1; 
                    odrl:duty     ex:Duty1;
                 odrl:prohibition ex:Prohibition1.

ex:P2                           a odrl:Agreement;
                    odrl:assigner ex:Assigner;
                    odrl:assignee ex:Assignee2;                     # <------ different Assignee
                  odrl:permission ex:Permission1;  
                    odrl:duty     ex:Duty2;
                 odrl:prohibition ex:Prohibition2.