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VP8 capabilities and parameters #127

Closed aboba closed 10 years ago

aboba commented 10 years ago

From Frank Li:

The VP8 parameters are not defined. Also, it is not clear that myCapsToSendParams could derive them based on the receiver/sender capabilities without codec-specific knowledge.

aboba commented 10 years ago

The following document appears relevant to this issue:

[VP8-RTP] P. Westin; H. Lundin; M. Glover; J. Uberti; F. Galligan. RTP Payload Format for VP8 Video. 10 February 2014. Internet Draft (work in progress). URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-payload-vp8

[VP8-RTP] Section 6.1 describes two parameters that appear to represent decoder capabilities:

Property Name Values Notes max-fr unsigned long This capability indicates the maximum frame rate in frames per second that the decoder is capable of decoding. max-fs unsigned long long This capability indicates the maximum frame size in macroblocks that the decoder is capable of decoding.

The document does not appear to define any encoder capabilities.

In order to ensure that the decoder limits are not exceeded, it would seem reasonable to have the above decoder capabilities also present as encoder parameters.