w3c / payment-method-credit-transfer

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Overload of payeePaymentIdentificationMachineReadable? #47

Open mattsaxon opened 7 years ago

mattsaxon commented 7 years ago

PaymentRequest makes allowance for the payee to provide a payment identifier already, therefore, we should consider if the field, payeePaymentIdentificationMachineReadable, is credit transfer is a duplicate field.

CYV commented 7 years ago

We put those fields into the PM part because, they are directly related to Credit Transfer and to Bank statement.

mattsaxon commented 7 years ago

But are they the same, if so we as a minimum should point that out in the spec. Furthermore, if they are the same, why do we need to duplicate it? We could just have a note to say put payeePaymentIdentificationMachineReadable in paymentRequest.Id

mattsaxon commented 6 years ago

@CYV, do you have a perspective on this?