w3c / payment-method-credit-transfer

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Relationship between requiredResponseFields and PR API flow #65

Open ianbjacobs opened 7 years ago

ianbjacobs commented 7 years ago

The specification includes a definition of requiredResponseFields. @mattsaxon points out that the following might happen:

Matt's original text (from a note in the spec) was: "The above field is required, but this can result in failed payments after 'Authorise' clicked. Should we have a better modelling (e.g. using subclasses) to allow for a more fine-grained matching of apps to requests? Does the PMI specification need to support this? "

I would like to better understand the flow Matt has in mind.


CYV commented 6 years ago

Let me explain what I understood. After being waked up by the browser, the basic-credit-transfer App is supposed to gather the autorization of the user and to initiate the credit-tranfer at the payerBank. To initaite the credit transfer, the App will connect to the API of the payerbank (often named in Europe DSP2-API). As the DSP2-API is not standardised, we possibly have issues to match fields with the requiredResponseFields.

To my perspective, this is not an issue :

mattsaxon commented 6 years ago

@CYV, I believe you are correct entirely.

@ianbjacobs, @CYV, the use of requiredFields could allow to not need to create a specific-credit-transfer.

ianbjacobs commented 6 years ago

Hi @mattsaxon,

You assigned an action to me but I'm not sure what it is. Could you clarify? Thank you,
