w3c / payment-request

Payment Request API
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PaymentRequest critical data #1003

Closed asma1402 closed 1 year ago

asma1402 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm using payment request API, and i created a payment method,before i call the show() method, I ask the user to enroll, then i give him a token, this token is a very critical data for my payment method, i use this token like the card number and cvc to make payments, Im asking if there is a way to store this token securely - preferably natively - and to be used each time the user choose to pay with my payment method.

All tahnks!

@stephenmcgruer @rsolomakhin @ianbjacobs

ianbjacobs commented 1 year ago

Hi @asma1402,

This question extends beyond the scope of the Payment Request API into areas such as client-side storage [1]. I'm going to close this issue (because it's not an issue on the specification).

(Others are free to continue to comment; I'm just closing the issue.)


[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs/Client-side_storage

cyberphone commented 1 year ago

As a user of payment request you may contact me using the email address listed on GitHub. https://github.com/cyberphone/saturn/blob/13c16983c9f8c21d1eb1f0f04f38395716f7cae1/keyprovider/src/org/webpki/saturn/keyprovider/KeyProviderInitServlet.java#L326 A few questions: What kind of payment application are you using? Are you using a "token" multiple times? That is generally not a good idea. Anders