w3c / payment-request

Payment Request API
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[Spec] Only allow show() to be called in a foreground tab #1005

Closed stephenmcgruer closed 1 year ago

stephenmcgruer commented 1 year ago

This addresses this issue in SPC - https://w3c.github.io/secure-payment-confirmation/#issue-e92619e9

The behavior spec'd in SPC appears to already be followed in general Payment Request implementations already, based on testing in both Safari and Chrome, so it seems safe to just spec it here instead.

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stephenmcgruer commented 1 year ago

The failing build appears to be from a change in permissions policy spec that broke Payment Request build:

  Error: ROR] Couldn’t find “default allowlist“ in this document or other cited documents: [dom], [fetch], [html], [infra], [payment-method-id], [permissions-policy], [url], and [webidl].
stephenmcgruer commented 1 year ago

Build failure appears unrelated to this change, so I'm going to merge it.