w3c / payment-request

Payment Request API
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Should Payment Request enable optional Total for some use cases? #858

Open ianbjacobs opened 5 years ago

ianbjacobs commented 5 years ago

Use cases:

oskarlh commented 4 years ago

It'd also be great for sites with digital wallets if the API allowed for letting the user type in the amount to deposit. That way you don't need two interfaces (first the web interface for entering the amount, and then the PaymentRequest one for entering CC details etc.) for something that could easily be done with one.

ianbjacobs commented 4 years ago

@oskarlh, can you say more about a use case where the party that calls the API allows the user to determine the total? Thanks!

oskarlh commented 4 years ago

@ianbjacobs Thanks for the reply :)

One possible use case would be for online casinos. A player wants to deposit some money to play with, so they press a "Deposit money" button. A PaymentRequest is made, and the player gets to choose not just what to pay with, but also how much (within limits!) they want to deposit. It could make for a better experience for the player than having to enter the amount in a separate web form.

I imagine there are other types of services with digital wallets (such as video-game-cenetered stores where people can buy lots of cheap cosmetic items and don't want to have to make a new payment every time they decide to buy something small) that could find a use for it.

It's just a hypothetical. Might not be useful in the end.

marcoscaceres commented 4 years ago

It could make for a better experience for the player than having to enter the amount in a separate web form.

It could... but equally the browser may provide a worst experience. I’d be more inclined to just leave this to sites, as they will have way more control over the experience.