w3c / payment-request

Payment Request API
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Drop PaymentAddress, shipping + billing address support #955

Closed ianbjacobs closed 3 years ago

ianbjacobs commented 3 years ago

closes w3c/payment-request#842, closes w3c/payment-request#939,

as well as issues raised to add family name, given name, and phonetic name:

closes w3c/contact-picker#69 closes w3c/contact-picker#70

This edit also reduces the number of strings in the specification, which means there are fewer (but still some) strings requiring better lang/dir support.

Also closes the follow address related issues:

closes w3c/payment-request#902 closes w3c/contact-picker#71 closes w3c/payment-request#888 closes w3c/contact-picker#72 closes w3c/contact-picker#65 closes w3c/payment-request#653 closes w3c/payment-request#615 closes w3c/payment-request#614 closes w3c/payment-request#548 closes w3c/payment-request#537 closes w3c/payment-request#389

The following tasks have been completed:

Implementation commitment:

Optional, impact on Payment Handler spec?

If these changes are adopted, then we will also want to make corresponding changes in Payment Handler API to remove API-level data (instead of payment method level data).

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ianbjacobs commented 3 years ago

This pull request removes a number of features from the specification around addresses and contact information. I have marked it as blocked because it will require some review before we proceed.

ianbjacobs commented 3 years ago

Thanks @marcoscaceres. I’d like to run this by the group.

marcoscaceres commented 3 years ago

Sure, take your time!

ianbjacobs commented 3 years ago


We discussed this pull request at today's WPWG meeting: https://www.w3.org/2021/04/29-wpwg-minutes#t01

There were no objections to it.

We have a couple of things to do before a CfC to the WG to proceed (back) to CR with this edit. But I'll unblock this PR.


ianbjacobs commented 3 years ago

@samuelweiler, can you let us know if removing address features through this pull request would address your concern (raised in w3c/payment-request#842)? Thank you.

marcoscaceres commented 3 years ago

@ianbjacobs, when you merge, please make sure the merge message is clear (e.g., "Remove PaymentAddress, shipping + billing address support" or something similar).

marcoscaceres commented 3 years ago

Test removals: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/28830

marcoscaceres commented 3 years ago

Filed bugs on Firefox and Safari (links at the top). @rsolomakhin, could you please do the same for Blink?

rsolomakhin commented 3 years ago

Filed https://crbug.com/1206261 for Blink.

marcoscaceres commented 3 years ago

👋😭 so long PaymentAddress, we hardly knew ye.

jcayzac commented 3 years ago

Optional, impact on Payment Handler spec?

Note that the Contact Picker API also has a dependency on PaymentAddress (although I don't understand the reason for that).

cc @rayankans

rayankans commented 3 years ago

@jcayzac @ianbjacobs

The reason was to not have multiple equivalent address definitions spec'd. The end goal was to move the address to its own spec at some point and have each spec that needs it use it directly.

Is something equivalent to PaymentAddress going to be added to this spec? If not I can just move the definition over to unblock this PR.

ianbjacobs commented 3 years ago

@rayankans, At this point it doesn't seem like we will add back the PaymentAddress. @marcoscaceres should we move it to a Note? Ian

sideshowbarker commented 3 years ago

FYI, I’ve raised PRs to make corresponding updates to MDN and BCD —

marcoscaceres commented 3 years ago

@rayankans, wrote:

Is something equivalent to PaymentAddress going to be added to this spec? If not I can just move the definition over to unblock this PR.

Yeah, let's move it over. We can also give it a better name as it's not longer tied to payments.

jcayzac commented 3 years ago

@rayankans could you kindly mention me on your issue for moving it? We have some input related to w3c/contact-picker#71 that is not relevant to this repo anymore. Other PaymentAddress-related issues mentioned above may also now apply to ContactAddress.