w3c / payment-request

Payment Request API
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window.PaymentRequest returns undefined randomly #967

Closed semcelik closed 2 years ago

semcelik commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have implemented PaymentRequest api to receive payments via Apple Pay on safari browsers. I have realised that sometimes window.PaymentRequest returns undefined randomly. It is very hard to reproduce it randomly happens. When i try to reproduce that on same browser (in different incognito windows) it returns correctly. Is there any reason for that? Or how can i fixed that issue? You can see the sample screenshots below.




stephenmcgruer commented 2 years ago

If I understand correctly, this is actually a bug report against an implementation of PaymentRequest, in Safari, and as such the appropriate place to file a bug would be https://bugs.webkit.org/ rather than the spec repository. As such, I'm going to close this issue.

That said, my immediate suspicion would be that PaymentRequest is HTTPS-only, and perhaps you're testing on a devtools connected to a HTTP site when it returns undefined? (e.g. compare trying it on https://google.com and http://example.org).