w3c / performance-timeline

Performance Timeline
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How does "queue a PerformanceEntry" algorithm interact with other specs? #128

Closed jdm closed 5 years ago

jdm commented 5 years ago

This spec does not contain any algorithms which interact with https://w3c.github.io/performance-timeline/#queue-a-performanceentry. I haven't found any in Fetch or HTML either. What is the integration model? I'm trying to find cases where the optional "add to performance entry buffer" flag would be set, and it seems very complex so far.

jdm commented 5 years ago

I have found step 21 of https://w3c.github.io/resource-timing/#sec-process, which does not set the flag, followed by step 22 which append the entry to the performance entry buffer. It's very confusing why these are differentiated.

jdm commented 5 years ago

Step 10 and 11 of https://w3c.github.io/user-timing/#dom-performance-measure have the same differentiation.

npm1 commented 5 years ago

There is no longer an optional flag in the queue an entry algorithm. Is this issue still relevant or can it be closed?

jdm commented 5 years ago

Nope, that's a useful improvement!

npm1 commented 5 years ago

Actually this looks like recently removed in a commit which needs to be reverted, let me reopen this and we can look when the repo is in a reasonable state.

npm1 commented 5 years ago

Ok, now that the spec is fixed it still looks like the flag in the algorithm does not exist, so closing this. Feel free to comment/reopen/file another issue as needed.