w3c / pointerlock

Pointer Lock
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Raw movement data, not pixel location clamped #28

Open vans163 opened 7 years ago

vans163 commented 7 years ago

The relative mouse coords are currently indeed based on pixels moved, if you stretch a fixed size element that you are mousing inside, example if you make a 1280x720 fixed size canvas stretch into a 1920x1080 width canvas, the moveOffsets will be 1.5x more, when really it should not do this. It should take the amount of units moved from what the mouse reported and base off that.

scheib commented 7 years ago

I don't fully understand the problem description yet, and am unsure if this is a specification bug or implementation bug. Providing a simple test page, e.g. on jsfiddle/jsbin/github would help significantly, along with clearer text.

As I understand it, changing the size of a canvas by using CSS styling should have no impact on the movementX/Y values returned. If you are perceiving that in any browser it's a bug. Note, there is no moveOffsets in the specification.