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W3C Process Document
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Section 1 (Introduction) should help navigate the document #423

Closed dwsinger closed 3 years ago

dwsinger commented 4 years ago

Section 1 currently describes a hypothetical model of how specs get developed. It would be more helpful if it guided readers in how the document is structured, and so on.

fantasai commented 3 years ago

I believe https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/520 should close this issue.

css-meeting-bot commented 3 years ago

The Revising W3C Process CG just discussed Pull Requests, and agreed to the following:

The full IRC log of that discussion <fantasai> Topic: Pull Requests
<fantasai> florian: Let's not look at "reorganize the document" first
<fantasai> florian: Should maybe look at 519 or ...
<wseltzer> LGTM
<wseltzer> https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/519
<fantasai> Subtopic: Issue 338 Where Decisions Can Be Made
<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/338
<fantasai> florian: I think most of this has already been addressed through Tooling section and Minutes section etc.
<fantasai> florian: But there was a leftover sentence saying that decisions can be made in person or in email, period.
<jeff_> q+
<fantasai> florian: So this PR just generalizes from email so we can do that in e.g. GH
<fantasai> dsinger: sgtm, any comments?
<dsinger> ack jef
<fantasai> jeff_: Sounds very clean and elegant
<fantasai> RESOLVED: Accept PR 519 and close 338
<fantasai> Subtopic: Rewrite the Introduction
<fantasai> s/Rewrite the Introduction/Alternate AC Rep/
<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/505
<wseltzer> +1
<fantasai> florian: wseltzer wrote a PR, people seem to be happy
<fantasai> dsinger: [reads the new sentence]
<plh> +1
<fantasai> dsinger: I think it's great.
<cwilso> +1
<fantasai> dsinger: wseltzer gave us the details of how that's expected to work in the issue
<fantasai> RESOLVED: Accept PR 505 and close issue 338
<jeff_> q+
<dsinger> ack jef
<fantasai> jeff_: wseltzer, you had asked questions that are in 505
<fantasai> jeff_: dsinger and I commented, anything further you need for the questions?
<fantasai> wseltzer: Thanks, I think we're good with the proposed implementation
<fantasai> wseltzer: those details don't go into the Process
<fantasai> wseltzer: So I think we can close the issue, and if people want a distinct issue for the implementation, I'll put it in the Guide and discuss over there
<fantasai> florian: Also mostly seems fine, so not sure there's an open issue
<fantasai> dsinger: Leave it in the hands of the Team to redirect discussion as needed
<fantasai> Subtopic: Rewrite the Intro
<fantasai> github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/423
<fantasai> florian: dsinger proposed a rewrite of the intro on the ML awhile ago
<fantasai> florian: This PR does that
<fantasai> florian: This is a smaller part of the general reorg of the document, but isolate part of it
<jeff_> q+
<fantasai> florian: This is a medium-size editorial change
<fantasai> florian: fantasai and I made some tweaks, but it's largely what dsinger wrote
<jeff_> q-
<fantasai> dsinger: My thought was to give an introduction of "what does this document do" and "how do you navigate it", a type of roadmap
<jeff_> q+
<fantasai> florian: I think the three of us think it's good, question is if anyone else has concerns
<fantasai> dsinger: ...
<fantasai> florian: The reorg changes the order of sections, but not really the content of the sections
<dsinger> ack jef
<fantasai> florian: so reorg doesn't affect intro
<fantasai> jeff_: I started to read, and in the first sentence I see the word "fairness"
<fantasai> jeff_: which at a human level I understand it
<fantasai> jeff_: but saw some discussion about US Congress proposals where it was causing some consternation...
<fantasai> dsinger: Interesting point, but that phrase is surviving from existing intro
<fantasai> jeff_: OK, I guess it's good by definition :)
<fantasai> florian: At least, we are not making things worse :)
<dsinger> q?
<fantasai> dsinger: Would welcome PRs to modernize further, but the goal here was to reorganize
<fantasai> [review of what's changed vs not changed in the intro]
<fantasai> florian: If we leave this meeting with only this PR and the reorg pending, we're in good shape
<fantasai> dsinger: Jeff, do you want me to leave this open one more cycle?
<fantasai> jeff_: ...
<fantasai> dsinger: OK, I'm ok to leave this open for more review
<fantasai> dsinger: Does open the question of further improvements to intro also
<wseltzer> rrsagent, pointer?
<RRSAgent> See https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-w3process-irc#T14-28-13