w3c / process

W3C Process Document
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Should potential appointees to the TAG be required to stand for election, to be eligible for another term? #622

Closed dwsinger closed 2 years ago

dwsinger commented 2 years ago

Both the TAG, as represented by the comment in the pull request, and the AB in conversation, have wondered whether we should ease people from appointment into election, by requiring that they stand for election to be eligible for appointment to a second term.

Such a requirement would mean, if you wish to serve on the TAG: term 1: you can be appointed term 2: you must stand and can be elected or appointed (if you are not elected) term 3: you are term limited on appointment, you must stand and be elected to serve

TallTed commented 2 years ago

Possibly clearer --

term 1: you MAY stand for election; if not elected, you CAN be appointed term 2: you MUST stand for election; if not elected, you CAN be appointed term 3: you MUST stand for election; if not elected, you CANNOT be appointed term 4: reset to term 1

fantasai commented 2 years ago

@dwsinger I'd rather continue this discussion in 613, as the context is already there. That issue explicitly covered both methods of breaking continuity, and as Florian points out, there are some awkward interactions between the two if we adopt both. IImho splitting out this half of the issue makes the discussion harder to follow.