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W3C Process Document
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[Editorial] Adjust grounding of RF distribution of specifications #681

Closed ianbjacobs closed 1 year ago

ianbjacobs commented 1 year ago

Section 7.1 says, "Per the Membership Agreement, W3C technical reports (and software) are available free of charge to the general public; (refer to the W3C Document License [DOC-LICENSE])."

However, the Membership Agreement does not speak to that topic; it references the document licenses and those are the terms of the licenses.

Because the current sentence already refers to the document licenses, one fix is to simply remove "Per the Membership Agreement."

Another approach is to say: "Per the [W3C Document License], W3C technical reports (and software) are available free of charge to the general public."

However, since we have at least two document licenses and the CG CLA, perhaps a broader reference would be useful:

"Per the [W3C Policies], W3C technical reports (and software) are available free of charge to the general public."

For the link: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/ipr-notice-20021231