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W3C Process Document
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Requirement to publish formal objections should include a timeline #735

Closed jyasskin closed 8 months ago

jyasskin commented 1 year ago

https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/snapshots/2023-04#registering-objections says

A record of each Formal Objection against a decision regarding a publicly-available document must be made publicly available

It would be good to describe when the record must be made public. This ambiguity caused a problem with the formal objections to the DID recommendation, when @tantek posted Mozilla's objection publicly, while we left Google's responses only member-visible. The Team decided to make the record public much later than I'd expected, which meant that @tantek and Mozilla took more of the blame than they should have.

This doesn't need to be fixed for Process 2023.

css-meeting-bot commented 10 months ago

The Revising W3C Process CG just discussed #735.

The full IRC log of that discussion <plh> subtopic: #735
<plh> plh: 2 extremes: once the AC review is closed, we need to publish the FO. OR once the Council publishes its report
<plh> florian: somewhere in between
<plh> fantasai: you don't need to publish right away, but don't wait
<joshco> Github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/735
<joshco> 1 min left
<plh> Florian: I agree with Jeffrey that there is a problem, but not sure how to fix
<plh> fantasai: we need to draft specific wording "soon after the close of AC review" or something like that.
<plh> ... having it in the process sets the proper expectation
<plh> [we need editors to propose a pull request]
fantasai commented 9 months ago

Proposed some wording at https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/808 ; basically adding “Upon registration with the Team” to the publication requirement.

fantasai commented 9 months ago

(Note to the Team, it's not required to be announced, just available.)