w3c / pronunciation

Pronunciation Task Force deliverables
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Assess current state of CSS Speech #116

Open ghurlbot opened 5 months ago

ghurlbot commented 5 months ago

Opened by matatk via IRC channel #pronunciation on irc.w3.org

Due: 2024-02-05 (Monday 5 February)

Good related reading (HT @deedyer): https://tink.uk/why-we-need-css-speech/

alcinnz commented 5 months ago

I've got my own implementation: https://git.argonaut-constellation.org/~alcinnz/rhapsode

LJWatson commented 5 months ago

To date none of the Google/Apple/Mozilla/Microsoft browser teams have shown any interest in implementing support for CSS Speech, despite wholehearted expressions of support from the web community wherever I've written and/or spoken about it in recent years. IMO this remains a noticeable gap in the web platform.

clapierre commented 5 months ago

With "Read Aloud" becoming more mainstream, more and more websites will be offering this for all users. Having CSS Speech adopted by the browsers in my opinion will fast track this enabling a rich experience for everyone, not just the visually impaired community.

LJWatson commented 5 months ago

+1 @clapierre. We can design voice experiences on almost every other platform that uses voice output (using SSML as supported by the various API out there like those from Google, Microsoft, and others), but there is no way to design the voice experience for web readers - and given that all major browsers have that capability now, you're absolutely right.

matatk commented 4 months ago

Thank you @alcinnz, @LJWatson, @clapierre for the info!