w3c / pronunciation

Pronunciation Task Force deliverables
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Pronunciation problem in math #69

Open NSoiffer opened 3 years ago

NSoiffer commented 3 years ago

I have a pronunciation issue that comes up in math: the long 'a' vs short 'a' sound for the letter/word 'a'. I recorded NVDA and VoiceOver (which do it right) and JAWS (which doesn't) and want to share that with the group. If you use aria-label or 'alt' on an image, it usually speaks the 'a' wrong. I'm doubtful that this is something the TF's proposal will remedy, but I thought it might be useful for members to know of this pronunciation problem in math. Maybe it will be relevant, maybe it will trigger other non-math examples of similar problems in text speech, or maybe someone has an idea that helps the MathML group deal with this issue.

The zip file has the mp3 examples in it: a-examples.zip

AutoSponge commented 3 years ago

I'll transcribe this into markup.