w3c / pronunciation

Pronunciation Task Force deliverables
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How to apply pronunciation rules to ARIA attributes? #87

Open minorninth opened 3 years ago

minorninth commented 3 years ago

Sorry if I missed something, but I'd like to better understand how pronunciation rules could be added to an ARIA attribute that's normally read out by screen readers, such as aria-label, aria-roledescription, aria-valuetext, etc.

Right now the spec seems to focus on pronunciation rules for static text in an HTML document only, but for a modern web page that makes use of ARIA, it seems important to understand how those pronunciation rules should apply to accessible text in ARIA attributes too.

AutoSponge commented 3 years ago

This is an excellent point. Thank you for the comment. It's still being reviewed by the TF. I think the use of aria-labelledby would surpass aria-label where speech information were needed. But this is a bigger issues for aria-valuetext which doesn't have an idref corollary.