w3c / pronunciation

Pronunciation Task Force deliverables
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CSS speech #90

Closed minorninth closed 3 years ago

minorninth commented 3 years ago

I'd love to know more about why CSS Speech / Aural CSS never went anywhere, and how we can ensure this proposal won't suffer the same fate.

CSS speech still seems to be getting regular updates: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-speech-1/

Is this meant to completely replace it?

danielweck commented 3 years ago

Hello, note that I am incorrectly listed as the current specification editor (people contacted me privately about the status of CSS Speech, so I thought I'd clarify this here :)

I believe @LJWatson is involved now.

See: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2021Jun/0012.html

AutoSponge commented 3 years ago

Based on our gap analysis document, CSS speech has no mechanism for language, phonetic pronunciation, substitution, and "say as" (feature).