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Mechanism for referencing PLS #98

Open murata2makoto opened 2 years ago

murata2makoto commented 2 years ago

It seems to me that "Specification for Spoken Presentation in HTML" does not provide any mechanisms for referencing PLS documents. Am I mistaken? If not, is this omission intentional?

At least one Japanese textbook publisher uses PLS for digital textbooks. I believe that PLS is useful for Japanese light novels containing hard-to-read names of people. More information is available at Text to Speech of Electronic Documents Containing Ruby: User Requirements.

AutoSponge commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the comments. We will likely be covering this topic at TPAC when we meet with EPUB.

murata2makoto commented 2 years ago

@AutoSponge Thank you. I will be there.

murata2makoto commented 8 months ago

PLS is particularly useful for proper nouns or human names. The same nun or name occurs repeatedly, especially in EPUB novels.

The use of PLS is easy for authoring and very reliable. Attaching SSML to every occurrence of such nouns or names is error-prone and expensive.