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ONIX-Schema.org crosswalk clarifications needed #263

Open rickj opened 2 months ago

rickj commented 2 months ago

Questions about the Schema.org Accessibility Properties Crosswalk document at https://w3c.github.io/a11y-discov-vocab/crosswalk/ (referencing the Draft Community Group Report 09 February 2024)

In the EPUB and ONIX section

In the Schema.org and ONIX section

General questions

chrisONIX commented 2 months ago

The following EPUB Schema elements are not mapped to anything in ONIX. Can you confirm that we can ignore: annotations, bookmarks (deprecated), captions, certifiedBy, colorDependent, fullRubyAnnotations, horizontalWriting, none, pageNavigation, rubyAnnotations, signLanguage, tactile, tactileGraphic, tactileObject, textual, timingControl, transcript, unknown, unknownFlashingHazard, unknownMotionSimulationHazard, unknownSoundHazard, verticalWriting, visual, withAdditionalWordSegmentation, withoutAdditionalWordSegmentation

I know that some of these have equivalents and I have been working through them - I can do an updated list. I also know that some of these we have outstanding questions about if they are being used by anyone in the book supply chain yet. Do you want me to list the suggested updates in this thread?

chrisONIX commented 2 months ago

or accessMode/auditory it specifies Code 01:Audiobook plus types of audio content. Is this an OR, SHOULD, or MUST? Also, specify where we find the list of 'plus types of audio content'

I would say this should be an OR

The list is part of ONIX code list 81

chrisONIX commented 2 months ago

For 'certifierReport', there are two items listed. Is this an OR, a SHOULD, or a MUST?

I would suggest this should be an OR

amesga commented 2 months ago

The following EPUB Schema elements are not mapped to anything in ONIX. Can you confirm that we can ignore: annotations, bookmarks (deprecated), captions, certifiedBy, colorDependent, fullRubyAnnotations, horizontalWriting, none, pageNavigation, rubyAnnotations, signLanguage, tactile, tactileGraphic, tactileObject, textual, timingControl, transcript, unknown, unknownFlashingHazard, unknownMotionSimulationHazard, unknownSoundHazard, verticalWriting, visual, withAdditionalWordSegmentation, withoutAdditionalWordSegmentation

I know that some of these have equivalents and I have been working through them - I can do an updated list. I also know that some of these we have outstanding questions about if they are being used by anyone in the book supply chain yet. Do you want me to list the suggested updates in this thread?

This would be helpful for us, thank you. This is the list we have been referencing: https://w3c.github.io/a11y-discov-vocab/crosswalk/

chrisONIX commented 2 months ago

annotations - we suggest using list 21 - code ANN - https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/21/ANN /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail​[EditionType eq 'ANN' ]

bookmarks (deprecated), - for legacy data for PDF bookmarks we suggest using code 05 from list 196 - PDF/UA - https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196/05 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail/​ProductFormFeature [ProductFormFeatureType eq '09'] [ProductFormFeatureValue eq '05']

captions ( (deprecated), - ONIX has Closed captions (List 175 -V210) and Open Captions (list 175 - V211) - so for legacy data you would have to map to one of these two. https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/175/V210 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail​[ProductFormDetail eq 'V210' ] https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/175/V211 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail​[ProductFormDetail eq 'V211' ]

certifiedBy - we recommend using list 196 code 93 - https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196/93 - as an other / or with certifierCredential

colorDependent, - ONIX has the opposite - a positive declaration - Use of color is not sole means of conveying information - from list 196- code 25 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail/​ProductFormFeature [ProductFormFeatureType eq '09'] [ProductFormFeatureValue eq '25']

fullRubyAnnotations, - we have a reserved code but waiting feedback if being used in the supply chain already horizontalWriting, - we have a reserved code but waiting feedback if being used in the supply chain already

none - ONIX code list 143 - code 00 - https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/143/00 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail/​ProductFormFeature [ProductFormFeatureType eq '12'] [ProductFormFeatureValue eq '00']

pageNavigation - after discussion we recommend using code list 196 - code 19 - /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail/​ProductFormFeature [ProductFormFeatureType eq '09'] [ProductFormFeatureValue eq '19']

rubyAnnotations - - we have a reserved code but waiting feedback if being used in the supply chain already

signLanguage - in ONIX the use of sign language is sent like this :

09 sgn US We have a reserved code for list 175 - to indicate the product has sign language - but again this depends on need in supply chain. tactile, tactileGraphic, tactileObject, - all these have reserved codes but we are waiting feedback on if they are being used in the supply chain yet. timingControl - we have suggested list 196 - code 31 - https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196/31 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail/​ProductFormFeature [ProductFormFeatureType eq '09'] [ProductFormFeatureValue eq '31'] (Although this is one we would happy to discuss more) transcript - in ONIX the transcript is sent using list 158 code 47 - Transcript (Full transcript of audio or video content of the product) - this is a link to the actual transcript. We also have a reserved code in list 175 - to say the product has a transcript - but we are waiting to know if this would be useful addition or not. unknown, - ONIX code list 196 - code 08 - https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196/08 /ONIXMessage/​Product[]/​DescriptiveDetail/​ProductFormFeature [ProductFormFeatureType eq '09'] [ProductFormFeatureValue eq '08'] unknownFlashingHazard, unknownMotionSimulationHazard, unknownSoundHazard, - these are not clear to us and we wanted to know what they meant - is this unknown but present or not known if there is one? visual - this is expressed in ONIX using one or more codes from list 81 - these codes indicate visual - 07, 18, 19, 20, 12, 46, 42, 50, 24, 44 https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/81 verticalWriting, withAdditionalWordSegmentation, withoutAdditionalWordSegmentation - all these have reserved codes but we are waiting feedback on if they are being used in the supply chain yet. I hope this helps. It would be good to discuss what can be added to the crosswalk and also where we have reserved codes - if there is any current use of these values in the supply chain.
clapierre commented 2 months ago

unknownFlashingHazard, unknownMotionSimulationHazard, unknownSoundHazard, - these are not clear to us and we wanted to know what they meant - is this unknown but present or not known if there is one?

This means not know if these hazards exist. Eg. Publisher has an audio clip in their EPUB. They know for sure there is noMotionSimulationHazard, and noFlashingHazard but has no idea if there is any sound hazard associated with the audio clip so the would in this case put "unknownSoundHazard".

chrisONIX commented 2 months ago

@clapierre Ok - thank you - that makes it clearer - so we will consider these as possible new codes for ONIX as we can give a clear definition of them now - addition of any new code will be subject to validation by the National groups and the ONIX International Steering Committee

amesga commented 1 month ago

Thanks everyone, I've added your notes to our internal documentation. Just to summarize (and ask a few more questions, naturally):

Still waiting on feedback for the following codes

My new questions: