w3c / publ-a11y

Accessibility related discussions of the Publishing@W3C Groups
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added new EPUB Charts, Diagrams, and Formulas Technique #285

Closed clapierre closed 2 weeks ago

clapierre commented 1 month ago

I approve this PR. However, I do see an issue that I do not how to address with our current metadata. Chem on visual indicates that there is Chemistry present as a visual. It could be made accessible through ChemML, but I do not know how widely it is used. It could also be made accessible with a long description and now that MathML supports Chemistry, that could also make it accessible. So, for now I think we are good, but should I submit an issue about this. There is also the Community Group Chemistry on the Web and in Publishing we could turn to for guidance.

clapierre commented 1 month ago

@gregoriopellegrino Do you approve? I think @GeorgeKerscher approved but for some reason GitHub has my name attached to George's comments. Very odd.