w3c / publ-a11y

Accessibility related discussions of the Publishing@W3C Groups
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ONIX display - other values - Unknown accessibility - code 08 #327

Open chrisONIX opened 3 weeks ago

chrisONIX commented 3 weeks ago

In the Display techniques for ONIX document - propose to add the Unknown accessibility (ONIX code 08 from list 196) to the Conformance section.

If we add this we can advise about checking the ONIX for this ISBN periodically to see if this has been updated. 08 is used when information is not yet available aor an accessibility audit is being carried out.

chrisONIX commented 3 weeks ago

CROSSWALK - https://w3c.github.io/a11y-discov-vocab/crosswalk/ schema.org _ unknown already mapped to ONIX code 08 from list 196