w3c / publ-a11y

Accessibility related discussions of the Publishing@W3C Groups
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ONIX display - other values - Decorative images or graphics -code 46 #338

Open chrisONIX opened 2 weeks ago

chrisONIX commented 2 weeks ago

In the Display techniques for ONIX document - propose to add the Decorative images or graphics (ONIX code 46 from list 81) to the Additional accessibility information content section.

Advice on looking for and possibly displaying information that any images are decorative - this can apply to novels that are all text and the only images are the cover plus the logo.

chrisONIX commented 2 weeks ago

CROSSWALK - https://w3c.github.io/a11y-discov-vocab/crosswalk/

Suggest an update to existing crosswalk schema.org accessMode visual - map ONIX code 46 from list 81 as an extra value here