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Any use cases for splitting epub file? #38

Open Jeffxz opened 2 years ago

Jeffxz commented 2 years ago

I am currently creating some test for OCF about "zip file splitting accross multiple storage media" case and have some discussion here https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2360.

I suspect there might be some use case for splitting epub (zip) file but I don't have a strong use case yet. I can image something like epub with audio and video files but it's just hypothesis yet. So I wonder if anyone in this community has some real use case for splitting epub file.

Jeffxz commented 1 year ago

Here is discussion from today's meeting

See github issue https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/38.

eorgeK: This is a test about splitting EPUBs..

eorgeK: Are there any use cases?.

heng xu: GeorgeK: During work on narration for text book I have encountered some book as large as a few GB and we had to split it to separate CDs.

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_ on the speaker queue.

heng xu: ... I believe some retailer has size limitation for distribution.

heng xu: Naomi_: everything larger than 1GB will likely being kicked out from CMS.

George Kerscher: Large textbooks were very large and were split over several CDs..

heng xu: ... some unix platform can not accept maybe 2GB book.

heng xu: ... and you can not really sell them. In reality anything larger than 750 MB will likely have issue.

heng xu: charlesn: is there a general rule for epub file size?.

heng xu: Naomi_: 750 MB is a practical size rather than spec.

Naomi Kennedy: Individual distribution is fine, but through retailers there are serious problems. 750mb seems to be a limit. Anything over that gets stuck in Amazon's ingestion system..

eorgeK: Anything over the 750 mb limit requires hand holding to go through their system..

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu on the speaker queue.

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, AvneeshSingh on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, AvneeshSingh on the speaker queue.

tzviya tzviya joins: tzviya tzviya joins.

Jeff Jaffe: Comics may have issues with limitations on size as well..

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, AvneeshSingh, GeorgeK on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, AvneeshSingh, GeorgeK on the speaker queue.

heng xu: GeorgeK: DAISY was able to accept huge epub file so it has to be converted.

George Kerscher: DAISY does have a title available that could be used for stress testing..

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, AvneeshSingh, GeorgeK on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, AvneeshSingh, GeorgeK on the speaker queue.

Avneesh Singh: Technically, it can be done, but is the responsibility on the publisher? The retailer may not have rights to split a title..

Naomi Kennedy: It is not about making three separate EPUBtitles, but how to split a title over three zip files. It needs to be seemless to the end user..

Jeff Jaffe: zip does not recognize how three separate ziples relate to each other..

vneeshSingh: Thanks this makes it more clear..

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, AvneeshSingh, GeorgeK, Michelle on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, AvneeshSingh, GeorgeK, Michelle_ on the speaker queue.

Naomi Kennedy: Not all ebooks are trade. When you get to the use case where people are creating separate EPUB that are related to each other..

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, GeorgeK, Michelle on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, GeorgeK, Michelle_ on the speaker queue.

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, GeorgeK, Michelle on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, GeorgeK, Michelle_ on the speaker queue.

Naomi Kennedy: As video gets more common and as images get larger, this problem will not go away.s.

Zakim sees Naomi , Bill Kasdorf , zheng xu, GeorgeK, Michelle , tzviya on the speaker queue: Zakim sees Naomi_, Bill_Kasdorf_, zheng_xu, GeorgeK, Michelle_, tzviya on the speaker queue.

Michelle: From the library perspective, books that have audio and text are a problem..

eorgeK: I am not talking about something like Libby, but academic collections that is ingested. We are not talking about the seemless experience from a public library, but the academic where the content is ingested in different places..