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RS feature request: Get Citation #70

Open GeorgeKerscher opened 5 months ago

GeorgeKerscher commented 5 months ago


EPUB Reading Systems should make it easy for a person to get a formal citation or reference. This feature would enable the reader to select a portion of text and then use a shortcut key or button to get the formal citation and copy it to the clipboard. The user should have the ability to select from a number of accepted formats for citations. The first time a person uses this feature, they should be prompted for a citation format to choose from. After that, this would be the default citation format, but the end user could choose to change this.

This feature is something that everybody could take advantage of, but persons with disabilities who use Assistive Technology would greatly benefit from this feature. We suggest this be taken up in the Publishing Community Group.

This discussion started in the Accessibility Reading Systems Testing working group. Epub Test Results Page

There were several issues filed that are related to this feature:

[Get reference, a composite function, ] (https://github.com/daisy/epub-accessibility-tests/issues/85)

[How to create a reference or citation when no page list has been provided] (https://github.com/daisy/epub-accessibility-tests/issues/87)

[Identify current location for notes and citations] (https://github.com/daisy/epub-accessibility-tests/issues/86)

This is referenced in the Publishing CG issue tracker as well

As a graduate student, I am required to cite my sources using page numbers.

rickj commented 5 months ago

While we do provide this capability for a subset of citation formats, our experience has been that the metadata needed to accurately create citations in a variety of formats is generally not consistently available. If we pursue working on this, solving that issues will have to be a part of the solution.