w3c / publishingcg

Repository of the Publishing Community Group
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Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights, and Exporting #71

Open GeorgeKerscher opened 5 months ago

GeorgeKerscher commented 5 months ago


EPUB Reading Systems provide some rudimentary mechanism for bookmarks and remembering where you left off reading. In an educational context, it is essential to provide more sophisticated tools for these functions.

In the EPUB Reading System accessibility testing, we have several tests for this, but the functions are not clearly defined. Also, it is rare to have a Reading System export the highlights and notes to a file. This is often a request from students.

We suggest that the Publishing Community group develop best practices for Reading Systems for these features. Furthermore, we suggest that the CG test the Reading Systems for conformance.

There are issues in the Publishing CG issue tracker

As a user I want to store and manipulate my annotations independently of a Reading System [Highlights, Notes, Comments, and Annotations#32 ] (https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/32)