w3c / rdf-star

RDF-star specification
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Fix the rdf:type of a couple of the Turtle syntax tests #216

Closed kal closed 2 years ago

kal commented 2 years ago

Tests 'nt-ttl-star-4' and 'nt-ttl-star-5' should both be typed as 'rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax' rather than 'rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax' in the Turtle syntax test suite.

afs commented 2 years ago

@pchampin -- this is a small bug fix. It has no copyright or patent implications. Do we need the IPR test to pass? Can I mark it "non-substantive"?

@kal - explanation - we are operating as part of the RDF-DEV CG. The contributions checking process is slanted towards content for the documents where people submit under the W3C IP declaration for CGs.

w3cbot commented 2 years ago

pchampin marked as non substantive for IPR from ash-nazg.

afs commented 2 years ago

@kal - thanks!