w3c / rdf-star

RDF-star specification
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What's in a name? RDF*, RDF+, RDF#, etc. #59

Closed TallTed closed 3 years ago

TallTed commented 3 years ago

RDF* is an unsearchable string, but searches for RDF do bring it to light occasionally.

This evening, while searching for something else, I randomly discovered the existence of the RDF# proposal, which led me to the RDF+ proposal (which is no longer at the URL the RDF# paper linked to, this link takes you into the Internet Archive for it).

(I am not prepared to do a full analysis of either of these. I do wonder whether anyone else has done some comparison, and could add such to this repo...)

Unsurprisingly, neither of the others included a searchable version of their name (e.g., rdf-hash, rdf-plus). Being unsearchable might help explain how they remain apparently unpopular. It doesn't do anything to explain the popularity of RDF*, however, which I continue to believe is in desperate need of a renaming.

(What's the next one to be, RDF**? RDF*+#?)

pchampin commented 3 years ago

Thinking out loud:

If we decide to keep the original name, clearly we need to be careful to also use the "alphabetized" version "rdf-star", as is already the case in most URLs related to the project.

akuckartz commented 3 years ago

I think this issue is a duplicate of #20 and therefore should be closed.

TallTed commented 3 years ago

Ah, I hadn't reached #20 in my long slog through the work I've missed in the past year (but I had reached a level of frustration during that slog)...

I've moved my thinking over there.