w3c / ruby-t2s-req

Text to Speech of Electronic Documents Containing Ruby: User Requirements
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Add pitch accent examples #46

Open murata2makoto opened 2 months ago

murata2makoto commented 2 months ago

In his talk at JEPA, @frivoal introduced an intriguing example, which is the comparison of 雨がすき (I like rain) and 飴がすき (I like candy). Here both 雨 and 飴 consist of the same two moras (a basic timing unit in phonology). However, in the case of 雨, the first mora has a high pitch and the second has a low pitch; 飴 has the opposite pitch accent.

If あめ is attached as a ruby annotation to both 雨 and 飴, the reading-aloud-ruby-annotation-only option makes the TTS engine receive あめがすき in both cases, thus providing identical results. However, the reading-aloud-ruby-bases-only option makes the TTS engine receive 雨 and 飴, thus allowing the correct pitch accent.

A similar example is 牡蠣をたべる (I eat oysters) and 柿をたべる (I eat persimmons), where 牡蠣 and 柿 have the same two moras and different pitch accents.

These examples should be introduced probably in "3.2.1 Furigana, when ruby annotations read aloud".