w3c / sdw-sosa-ssn

Repository of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group for the SOSA/SSN vocabulary
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Create an explicit SOSA-OMS alignment graph #104

Closed dr-shorthair closed 11 months ago

dr-shorthair commented 1 year ago

to hold

Could supersede #57

dr-shorthair commented 12 months ago

See https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/blob/OMS-mapping/ssn/integrated/sosa-oms.ttl (was https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/blob/OMS-mapping/ssn/mappings/sosa-oms-mapping.ttl) @sgrellet and @KathiSchleidt please check this carefully

I also proposed removing the *Sample classes from the SOSA graph and locating them in SOSA-OMS instead, along with Observer (I think they are originally defined in OMS). We can discuss separately if they merit promotion to SOSA.

rob-metalinkage commented 12 months ago

http://www.opengis.net/def/ont/modspecis the OGC modspec home and resolves to the ontology definition.

We should take the opportunity to discuss how this itself is best published - and the presentation of ontologies in UI. @avillar @nicholascar

This will include:

nb HY_Features is the most complete example so far

dr-shorthair commented 11 months ago

@sgrellet @KathiSchleidt any comments on the proposed mappings?

dr-shorthair commented 11 months ago

I put this in the /mappings/ folder originally, but since it also contains new classes and properties from OMS that were not in SOSA or SSN-ext perhaps it should be in the main folder?

dr-shorthair commented 11 months ago

Moved to https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/blob/OMS-mapping/ssn/integrated/sosa-oms.ttl

I will edit the links above so you don't get lost

KathiSchleidt commented 11 months ago

@dr-shorthair great work!!! And as usual when great work happens, a few glitches (mostly in Sampling). On missing associations, where I could find something, I've proposed.

relatedObservation relatedObservation: Used as inverse of 2 associations from Obs (sosa:hosts, sosa:madeObservation) but rest missing, missing selflink sosa:hosts - inverse of http://www.opengis.net/spec/om/3.0/req/obs-cpt/Observation/host-sem sosa:madeObservation - inverse of http://www.opengis.net/spec/om/3.0/req/obs-cpt/Observation/observer-sem

Platform sosa:Platform ogc:implements http://www.opengis.net/spec/om/3.0/req/obs-cpt/Host ; rdfs:subClassOf sosa:System ; Why is Platform now subclass of System, thought this was removed.

Observer Sensor is a subclass of Observer, Sensor is a System, but not Observer. Why?

sampledFeature What's the difference between sosa:isSampleOf and sosa:hasSampledFeature?
Both are mapped to http://www.opengis.net/spec/om/3.0/req/sam-cpt/Sample/sampledFeature-sem

Procedures procedures - usedProcedure doesn't include PreparationProcedure, not sure it needs to

Observation Times Times missing validTime

Deployment Where does sosa:deployedAsset come from? To my reading, should be sosa:deployedSystem does this have something to do with the fact that Observer is not a System?

ObservationCollection In OMS, we've introduced the concept of ObservationCharacteristics, missing in SOSA. Should be discussed. Also missing relatedCollection

PreparationProcedure missing samplePreparationStep

PreparationStep sosa:PreparationStep mapped to OMS:PreperationStep, but also mapped to sosa:hasPreparationStep, this is an association, PrepStep a class missing processingDetails

Sample missing:

Sampler missing samplingProcedure: shouldn't this be sosa:implements

Sampling missing sample, shouldn't this be sosa:hasResult

SamplingProcedure missing:

SampleCollection Missing relatedCollection

metadata all OMS classes have a metadata link, currently not supported in SOSA

dr-shorthair commented 11 months ago

metadata all OMS classes have a metadata link, currently not supported in SOSA

See https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/blob/OMS-mapping/ssn/integrated/sosa-oms.ttl#L54

SampleCollection Missing relatedCollection

I think this depends on the resolution of https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/issues/51#issuecomment-1784005625

ObservationCollection In OMS, we've introduced the concept of ObservationCharacteristics, missing in SOSA.

I think this is a UML vs OWL/RDFS thing.

The UML class ObservationCharacteristics is Abstract in all variants, so would never be instantiated. There is no concept of 'abstract classes' in OWL/RDFS - every class is denoted by a URI and can therefore be used to type instances. So best not to have an RDFS/OWL class.

OTOH properties are first-class resources in RDF, and may be used on an instance of any class (subject to global domain/range restrictions, which however do not appear in SOSA).

The whole modelling paradigm is different. I don't think there is any need for an RDFS/OWL implementation of ObservationCharacteristics.

Where does sosa:deployedAsset come from?

I think this is a @alexrobin addition ...

Why is Platform now subclass of System, thought this was removed.

We haven't resolved this yet. See #46

Times missing validTime


Sensor is a subclass of Observer, Sensor is a System, but not Observer. Why?

See https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/issues/29 No need for an Observer class.

sampledFeature What's the difference between sosa:isSampleOf and sosa:hasSampledFeature?

hasSampledFeature points to the origin of a chain of samples, the ultimate feature that this sample represents. Maybe it should be hasUltimateSampledFeature.

isSampleof points to the proximate sampled thing. (It is the key property of a Sample and was always called this.)

I think I've mostly tidied up the rest.

See https://github.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/blob/OMS-mapping/ssn/integrated/sosa-oms.ttl

dr-shorthair commented 11 months ago

Implemented by #116