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Repository of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group for the SOSA/SSN vocabulary
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Add `ogc:implements` to OGC ModSpec ontology #149

Closed dr-shorthair closed 3 months ago

dr-shorthair commented 6 months ago

OGC ModSpec ontology is not currently normative or widely shared. The predicate ogc:implements has been proposed as an addition to the ontology, as it is required in the documentation of a mapping between an RDF implementation and elements of a UML-based OGC/ISO standard. It is used in Section 6 of the SOSA Update.

rob-metalinkage commented 5 months ago

this exists for the inverse direction, regarding the type of object

  a owl:Class ;
  rdfs:label "Standardization target type" ;
  a owl:ObjectProperty ;
  rdfs:domain spec:RequirementsClass ;
  rdfs:label "Standardization target type" ;
  rdfs:range spec:StandardizationTargetType ;

instances of implementations would be rdf:type spec:StandardizationTargetType - is this too strong?

would dct:conformsTo be sufficient - or perhaps a subProperty of this defining the nature of conformance?

dr-shorthair commented 5 months ago


  1. it applies at the level of the RequirementsClass, not the individual Requirement
  2. it says what type of thing is being tested, not which individual

In this case spec:StandardizationTargetType is owl:Ontology I think (could also be shapes graph)

dr-shorthair commented 4 months ago

@rob-metalinkage @avillar could you create an issue in the relevant OGC repo, and then close this issue with a link to that.

rob-metalinkage commented 4 months ago

@dr-shorthair - OGC NA today was informed that OAB was taking on an update of the ModSpec - we should liaise and setup the relevant repository - at this stage we don't have one.

rob-metalinkage commented 4 months ago

added - as spec:implements using the ModSpec namespace prefix.

This is the same URI as ogc-ms: which may be clearer - so lets use this and consider modspec formalisation.