w3c / sdw-sosa-ssn

Repository of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group for the SOSA/SSN vocabulary
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Definitions of sensor characteristics - e.g. "Sensitivity" #220

Open oldskeptic opened 3 months ago

oldskeptic commented 3 months ago

The current definition of ssn-system:Sensitivity reads as "the quotient of the change in a result of Observations and the corresponding change in a value of an ObservableProperty being observed, under the defined conditions. As an ActuatorProperty Sensitivity is the quotient of the change in a command of Actuation and the corresponding change in a value of an ActuatableProperty".


Obviously, I have a similar use case for the GPS Receiver examples (#190), can we resolve this to prevent term confusion?

oldskeptic commented 2 months ago

Another term is also "BatteryLifetime" which was imported from ssn-system but needs more documentation.

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 months ago

Many of those terms have just been pulled from the 2005 version of SSN see for example https://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/ssnx/ssn#BatteryLifetime

To a limited extent, I can trace back its provenance in the SSN wiki:

dr-shorthair commented 2 months ago

@alexrobin @oldskeptic @maximelefrancois86 @rob-metalinkage we really need a review and critique of the whole System Capabilities section - https://w3c.github.io/sdw-sosa-ssn/ssn/#System-capabilities

Re-factor into registers / catalogs ??

dr-shorthair commented 2 months ago

Potential overlap with W3C Devices and Sensors WG work?

alexrobin commented 2 months ago

I would really like to keep these defs, but they can be moved to a separate namespace. The Connected Systems SWG could maintain these if it's outside the scope of the OMS SWG.

oldskeptic commented 2 months ago

Following up to yesterday's teleconference, @rob-metalinkage was suggesting that this should be tied to external catalogs. I see the benefits of this, however very few people have published "solid" RDF/OWL2 catalogs besides QUDT; we still are at the talking stage for CRS or TimeZone RDF catalogs and it's been several years.

I'm not throwing stones but pointing out that there is limited bandwidth and it's not always clear what the 95% solution is. I'd like to document what we have while making the path to external catalogs clear.

If the incubator pages that @maximelefrancois86 dug up are the direction that Sosa was intending to take for sensor characteristics, I'd like to use them to document the terms already exist.

I am low on coffee this morning, so I will foolishly volunteer to write a side catalog / ontology / vocabulary for consumer grade batteries.

dr-shorthair commented 2 months ago

I would really like to keep these defs, but they can be moved to a separate namespace. The Connected Systems SWG could maintain these if it's outside the scope of the OMS SWG.

They are in a discrete namespace - ssn-system: - so quarantined from the main sosa: ns already. Possibly no change required except to improve the textual definitions. Thanks for the offer @oldskeptic ;-)