w3c / sdw-sosa-ssn

Repository of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group for the SOSA/SSN vocabulary
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Add madeBySystem and madeExecution #226

Open dr-shorthair opened 1 month ago

dr-shorthair commented 1 month ago

to sosa-common, and sub-property axioms to ssn-* modules

Add usedActuatingProcedure usedObservingProcedure usedSamplingProcedure to sosa- modules, and sub-property axioms to ssn- modules

Add actsOn to sosa-actuation

Closes #225

dr-shorthair commented 1 month ago

Terms in red are the proposed additions, classes in brown are changes we already introduced


ldesousa commented 1 month ago

I don't see technical issues with this implementation (yet), but I would like to think a bit more on this from higher level of abstraction. The ontology is moving towards a set of four very similar graphs, centered on the four main classes:

Those classes are well defined and understood, not only by those of us in the group, but also to users in general that may deal with concerned datasets in this context. However, the semantic nuances between the sub-classes of Procedure and Property are less evident, i.e.:

Are all those classes necessary? Do they all have a well defined and unique semantic definition?

Finally coming to the predicates: are they all semantically unique? Or is a single predicate object property between Execution and Procedure enough to convey that relation in all sub-graphs? I would rather have a leaner ontology, with as many elements as possible at the Execution (abstract?) level, only to be specialised in case of objective semantic differences.


dr-shorthair commented 1 month ago

Thanks @ldesousa - this is exactly the conversation we need.

The Ontology was highly specific with Actuator-Actuation, Sensor-Observation, Sampler-Sampling and specialized predicates to link them (madeActuation/madeByActuator etc), though Procedure was non-specific along with just one general predicate usedProcedure.

Now we have introduced a generalization Execution, and specializations ActuatingProcedure, ObservingProcedure, SamplingProcedure (note that ActuatableProperty and ObservableProperty were there before). The proposed predicates (in red above) are really just my chasing through the consequences.

Sorry I didn't make the diagram earlier.