w3c / sdw-sosa-ssn

Repository of the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group for the SOSA/SSN vocabulary
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Complete inverses and add tabulation #228

Open dr-shorthair opened 1 month ago

dr-shorthair commented 1 month ago

And fix up inconsistencies on properties uncovered in tabulation

closes #218

dr-shorthair commented 1 month ago

Preview: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/218-add-inverse-role-for-all-properties-in-sosa-ssn/ssn/index.html#inverse-properties

dr-shorthair commented 1 week ago

I've now added in definitions for all the inverse properties into the HTML docs Re-ordered the definitions in the specification section - Classes first, then pairs of inverse properties. Updated the master alphabetical index.

dr-shorthair commented 1 week ago

Preview here: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/218-add-inverse-role-for-all-properties-in-sosa-ssn/ssn/index.html

dr-shorthair commented 6 days ago

Please review this PR, following consensus on #218 agreed at 2024-06-12 telecon.

ldesousa commented 2 days ago

@dr-shorthair I am about half way with the review, there are many changes, it will take a while longer. In the meantime I have two general questions:

  1. The OSM alignment document is also modified by this PR. Is it intentional?
  2. There are various predicates (and their inverses) declared at the sub-class level, e.g. between Procedure and ObservableProperty sub-classes. Can these predicates be instead defined at the super-class level instead? I would prefer an ontology as parsimonious as possible. Was this argued before? I don't what to re-open the discussion, just the heads up.
dr-shorthair commented 2 days ago

Thank you @ldesousa

Yes, there were some changes needed to the OMS alignment as a consequence of defining more inverses. It was discussed here

The predicates that link ActuatingProcedure to ActuatableProperty, and ObservingProcedure to ObservableProperty that are shown in the overview diagrams are the general predicates defined at the superclass level, as you suggest. Guarded constraints (owl:Restriction) to limit the ranges in are provided in the ssn-observation.ttl and ssn-actuation.ttl modules, so these are reflected in the (non-normative) overview diagrams.

It is true that the set of classes in domainIncludes and rangeIncludes are quite big for some predicates because of the sub-classing of Execution and Procedure, which leads to big lists in the tabulation at https://raw.githack.com/w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn/218-add-inverse-role-for-all-properties-in-sosa-ssn/ssn/index.html#inverse-properties. But this is necessary for SOSA users who do not load the SSN modules to see the sub-class relationships.

Am I addressing your concern or is there another specific proposal?

sgrellet commented 1 day ago

I mainly managed to work on B. Tabulation of properties and their inverses

Find below 2 questions and a feedback below

The same question & logic applies to sosa:isUltimateFeatureOfInterestOf

I still feel the 'Tabulation' is both super useful and hard to read IMHO, we want to 1st document there properties and their inverse

Is the addition of Domain and Range of a Property helping to solve extra aspects that only a big lookup/compendium table can achieve ? Said differently : we can already get the individual Domain/Range of a given property

I'll also add a 'of' at the very end ('Inverse property of') to really match what we have for a given property