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New project proposal: Routing ontology #1150

Open lvdbrink opened 4 years ago

lvdbrink commented 4 years ago

There is an opportunity for collaboration between OGC and W3C on automotive standards, specifically on routing. There was a W3C workshop [1] on this topic in september 2019. One of the outcomes was that participants would like to see a common ontology for routes.

OGC has conducted a Routing Pilot. The work done is described in two Engineering Reports. One is a summary and defines the Route Exchange Model, the other specifies the Web API. (NB 20191206 These are still being being processed by OGC staff and should be published soon).

@cportele was involved in this work, see https://github.com/cportele/route.

Potential for collaboration beween W3C/OGC includes standardizing a Routing ontology within or with help (liaison incubation) from W3C Spatial Data on the Web group.

lieberjosh commented 4 years ago

Both the Route Exchange Model and Routing API are being further exercised in the SCIRA Pilot. As @cportele has shown (https://github.com/cportele/route/blob/master/route) the terms from those model can be used to form a simple routing ontology. There is the possibility of using this together with more involved models from NDS and GDF to come up with a routing ontology modular design. Ideally this would be carried out in conjunction with routing standards development on the OGC side.

6a6d74 commented 4 years ago

Quick update. Work on routing is currently going on in both OGC and W3C - fortunately without overlap :-) ... @cportele is involved in the work across both organisations. Thanks Clemens for operating as the linkage here!

Work is clearly getting done - so moving this to "in progress"

Fak3 commented 3 years ago

Quick update. Work on routing is currently going on in both OGC and W3C - fortunately without overlap :-) ... @cportele is involved in the work across both organisations. Thanks Clemens for operating as the linkage here!

Is there any place to see the current status and mailing list \ github where the discussion can be tracked?

cportele commented 3 years ago

The repository is at https://github.com/w3c/tocc.

The group is still defining the scope and process of the work. Once this done - hopefully over the next few weeks - the work should shift to working on the contents. Routing will be the first topic, but in general the scope is wider (transportation, smart cities).

chris-little commented 3 years ago

@cportele I've not yet read the Use Cases at https://github.com/w3c/tocc, but I hope there will be some 3/4D ones, for ground based transport. E.g. a route over a Digital Terrain Model so that 1) fuel consumption could be optimised at differing altitudes; 2) exposure to different weather at different times and altitudes, such as wind or freezing, could be calculated. Moving Features and API - EDR have used consistent definitions of trajectories (simple route!) in WKT to these ends.

dr-shorthair commented 3 years ago

Does routing build on some existing transportation network model/ontology?