w3c / sdw

Repository for the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
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Responses to feedback #1155

Closed dr-shorthair closed 4 years ago

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago
  1. global domain constraitns on new properties
  2. improve discussion of alignment with QB
  3. Some text clarifications

See https://raw.githack.com/w3c/sdw/simon-ssn-ext/proposals/ssn-extensions/index.html

fixes w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn#25 fixes w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn#24 fixes w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn#23 fixes w3c/sdw-sosa-ssn#22

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

I believe that all comments received in response to the most recent WD publication have been dealt with. This version can be merged into the master, and then we can initiate replacement of this version https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-vocab-ssn-ext-20181122/ OK @tguild ?