w3c / sdw

Repository for the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
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Bug in Example Use Case #1347

Open mdebellis opened 2 years ago

mdebellis commented 2 years ago

First, a general comment: this document needs more examples. It is so much easier to just take a few examples to understand how the model works than slogging through reading the documentation. Also, there is at least one bug in the current examples. See the attached picture. When I enter the date time stamp in 5.6 A Use Case for Scheduling I get an error in Protege that the supplied value is not a valid dateTimeStamp. The value in the example is: 2006-11-05T18:00:00-5:00 when it should be: 2006-11-05T18:00:00-05:00 DateTimeBug