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Time Ontology - Missing "hasMember" object property definition for modeling proper intervals of hierarchical TRS #1407

Closed mdesalvo closed 4 months ago

mdesalvo commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm developing a C# library for giving applications the ability to model ontologies containing temporal entities, so Time Ontology is the conceptual reference I'm following. I noticed, in the geologic time scale example, the usage of a property ":hasMember" which is supposed to be an object property from the legacy version of Time ontology (http://www.w3.org/2006/time#) but I cannot find it in the Turtle file.

So my doubt is: how can we specify the proper intervals describing a hierarchical TRS? This property may be missing from the actual draft.

Thanks, Marco

dr-shorthair commented 1 year ago

@mdesalvo :hasMember does not appear in https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/#geologictimescale Where did you find it?

Note that the Geologic Timescale ontology extends OWL-Time. It was documented here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12145-014-0170-6 and maintained here https://github.com/CGI-IUGS/timescale-ont There is a property thors:member which is used to build temporal hierarchical ordinal reference systems. Perhaps this is what you were looking for.

@nicholascar you may have more information from your work with IUGS.

mdesalvo commented 1 year ago

Hi, the Turtle file of the Geologic Timescale example is here.

These are the triples describing the TRS, having the unknown property:

  rdf:type :TRS ;
  rdfs:label "Geologic timescale" ;
  :hasMember geol:Archean ;
  :hasMember geol:Hadean ;
  :hasMember geol:Phanerozoic ;
  :hasMember geol:Proterozoic ;

Regards, Marco

dr-shorthair commented 1 year ago


The example is wrong. I will look into fixing it.