w3c / secure-the-web-forward-workshop

Materials for a proposed W3C workshop "Secure the Web Forward"
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Developer survey on MDN #21

Closed dontcallmedom closed 1 year ago

dontcallmedom commented 1 year ago

Since we want to improve practices around security for Web developers, I think getting some data about how they perceive the problem space would be informative.

One possibility for that would be to request a slot to run a short survey on MDN via the WebDX Community Group (disclaimer: I co-chair that group) - see the couple of surveys we ran last fall.

A possible focus would be on what developers tend to find most challenging when it comes to keeping their app secure; here is a strawman proposal of what the survey could ask, where each option option would offer a rating from "very challenging" to "very easy".

To keep your Web app and its users same from security vulnerabilities, rate how easy or challenging are the following aspects:

(we could also survey developers on their awareness of some of the technologies or concepts we think are relevant)

torgo commented 1 year ago

As discussed on our call, I suggest we add a bullet point on "threats":

…and also add a free text entry field to the poll asking "What are your security-related challenges?"

dontcallmedom commented 1 year ago

filed https://github.com/web-platform-dx/developer-research/issues/19 for review by the WebDX CG

dontcallmedom commented 1 year ago

if all goes as planned, the survey should run on MDN week of May 15

tidoust commented 1 year ago

Survey ran as planned. Raw results along with an interpretation are available in the GitHub repository of the WebDX Community Group. The survey was also advertised in relation with the workshop on the W3C blog, see Securing the Web forward: Addressing developer concerns in web security.

Survey results will be briefly presented during the workshop to set the context.