w3c / secure-the-web-forward-workshop

Materials for a proposed W3C workshop "Secure the Web Forward"
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JavaScript realms are used to bypass and eliminate many existing web apps security tools - A problem with a WIP solution #30

Closed weizman closed 1 year ago

dontcallmedom commented 1 year ago

@weizman many thanks for your submission! Unfortunately, due to a low level of submissions within the requested timeline, the Program Committee doesn't feel like it can justify holding a 2 days workshops in the original timeframe of June 7-8. The Program Committee will get back to you both on the content of the submission and a possibly new format/schedule in a couple of weeks.

tidoust commented 1 year ago

Hi @weizman,

Thanks again for your submission! The Secure the Web Forward workshop was re-launched as a virtual event on 26-28 September 2023 and the program committee has reviewed position papers that were submitted following the initial call for participation. We are pleased to inform your position statement has been accepted and that we will publish and reference it on the workshop's web site, and use it as input to build the agenda of the workshop.

The workshop will primarily be virtual across three two-hour virtual sessions on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September. We hope that these new dates, pending details on actual times, work for you!

Please note that the virtual sessions are targeted at actively discussing topics. We may briefly ask people to introduce concepts or perspectives but do not plan to have formal presentations of the position papers. Program and logistics should be announced beginning of August.