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Generic Sensor API
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Should unit option's behavior be defined in the Generic Sensor API? #62

Open tobie opened 9 years ago

tobie commented 9 years ago

Typical example is of course Fahrenheit vs. Celsius degrees, but it becomes more interesting with more complex examples such as quarterions, rotational matrices or Tait-Bryan angles for device orientation.

If we were to specify a behavior in the the generic spec, I'd imagine each implementation of the spec would need to define a default unit. Constructing the sensor object would raise an error if the required unit was not available.

anssiko commented 9 years ago

I see the following three buckets:

new sensors.AmbientLight(); // lux (default) new sensors.AmbientLight({ unit: 'lx' }); // lux

new sensors.Temperature(); // Celsius (default) new sensors.Temperature({ unit: 'C' }); // Celsius new sensors.Temperature({ unit: 'F' }); // Fahrenheit new sensors.Temperature({ unit: 'K' }); // kelvin

new sensors.Orientation(); // Tait–Bryan angles (default, for Device Orientation compat) new sensors.Orientation({ unit: 'tait-bryan' }); // Tait–Bryan angles new sensors.Orientation({ unit: 'rotation-matrix' }); // Rotation matrix, may raise an error new sensors.Orientation({ unit: 'quaternion' }); // Quaternion, may raise an error

Specifically related to device orientation, based on what I see in the awesome Device Orientation API article by @richtr a conversion is possible between various representations assuming the platform provides an extra bit of information that the window.orientation API provides (do all relevant platform APIs expose corresponding data?).

So I guess my conclusion is we should define a default unit for each concrete sensor and also raise an error if the unit required is not supported. The latter behaviour should be defined in the Generic Sensor API spec.

Can we learn something from Johnny-Five or other platforms -- how they're handling the third case where the platform may not support all the unit options?

rwaldron commented 9 years ago


Property Name Value
x g-force
y g-force
z g-force (if available)
pitch angle in degrees
roll angle in degrees
acceleration magnitude of g-force
orientation -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3
Event Description
change whenever x, y or z g-force changes.
data all measurements


Property Name Value
pressure kilopascals
Event Description
change whenever pressure changes.
data all measurements


Property Name Value
isDown boolean
Event Description
down when button is down, based on "down value"
up when button is up, based on "up value"
hold when button is held down, based on "hold time"
change whenever pressure change surpasses threshold.
data all measurements

Color (WIP)

Property Name Value
rgb visible color in RGB as an array of 8-bit values [red, green, blue]
Event Description
change whenever visible color changes.
data all measurements


Property Name Value
heading degrees 0°-359°
bearing an object, see below
  point: "NorthEast by East",
  abbr: "NEbE",
  low: 50.63,
  mid: 56.25,
  high: 61.87, 
  heading: ...same as present heading
Event Description
change whenever heading changes.
data all measurements

Encoder (WIP)

Property Name Value
position number, 0-? based on how many position steps the encoder has
Event Description
change whenever heading changes.
data all measurements


Property Name Value
pitch y rotation rate in degrees per second
roll x rotation rate in degrees per second
yaw z rotation rate in degrees per second
rate an object containing x, y, z rotation rate *
Event Description
change whenever rotation rate changes.
data all measurements


This only represents a single "stick", not to be confused with a gamepad.

Property Name Value
x -1 to 1 (left to right), where 0 is the center point **
y -1 to 1 (top to bottom), where 0 is the center point **
Event Description
change whenever rotation rate changes.
data all measurements

Light (WIP)

Property Name Value
intensity 0-100, based on component lux range capability.
illuminance amount of visible light in lux
Event Description
change whenever visible amount of light changes.
data all measurements


This is not for detecting the device's own motion, it detects external environment motion.

Property Name Value
detectedMotion true if the sensor detects motion of any kind, false if the environment appears "still"
Event Description
change whenever detection (motion or stillness) changes.
data all measurements


Property Name Value
cm, centimeters distance to obstruction in centimeters ***
in, inches distance to obstruction in inches ***
Event Description
change whenever distance to obstruction changes.
data all measurements


Generic, works with any analog or digital sensor.

Property Name Value
value (analog) input voltage as a 10-bit value
value (digital) input voltage high or low (1 or 0)
Event Description
change whenever value changes.
data all measurements


Property Name Value
C, celsius temperature in celsius ***
F, fahrenheit temperature in fahrenheit ***
K, kelvin temperature in kelvin ***
Event Description
change whenever value changes.
data all measurements

* Gyroscope had an unfortunate early design mistake, that forced us to put the x, y, z rates in their own property. This will be fixed for eventual 1.0 release (by replacing the present this.x, this.y, this.z with x, y, z in rotation rate).

\ Joystick directions can be inverted at initialization with a constructor option object property: invertX: true|false, invertY: true|false or invert: true|false | which inverts both |)

*\ Both the full name and abbreviation are exposed to (hopefully) cater to intuition.


how they're handling the third case where the platform may not support all the unit options?

No such problem exists. All sensors of a "kind" (accelerometer, barometer, compass, etc) produce at least the minimum required data. Using that data, we compute the rest, eg. an accelerometer is only going to produce x, y, z (if available) measurements in g-force values, so we compute the other property's values from that value. Similarly, most temperature sensors only produce a value in celsius, so the F and K are always computed from C.

Back to platforms... A platform can either interface with a sensor, or it cannot; specifically, if a sensor interface is I2C, then it works with platforms that have I2C support—otherwise it simply does not. Ideally, Johnny-Five supports enough commercially available models of a "kind" to make it easy to swap between them based on the platform's capabilities.