w3c / shacl

SHACL Community Group (Post-REC activitities)
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Extending SHACL-C to enable the expression of any RDF statements #36

Open jeswr opened 4 months ago

jeswr commented 4 months ago

With the work to have SHACL support RDF 1.2 - and the possibility of SHACLC moving to WG status (if I'm reading the discourse correctly) - I'd like to propose the addition of an "escaping to turtle" syntax to SHACLC similar to that which is implemented in https://github.com/jeswr/shaclcjs?tab=readme-ov-file#extended-shacl-compact-syntax so that any RDF statement can be made within a shaclc document.

I may be able to help with writing / editing some of the new documents if needed.

HolgerKnublauch commented 4 months ago

Hi Jesse, sounds good. I have just raised #37 where you could place your name if interested. I am currently the main editor there but would prefer to have this taken off my back. Anyone else is of course also invited to signal their interest.

VladimirAlexiev commented 4 months ago

@jeswr Is https://github.com/w3c/shacl/issues/7 completely a duplicate of this one? I.e. it can stay closed?

jeswr commented 4 months ago

Yes #7 can stay closed