w3c / shacl

SHACL Community Group (Post-REC activitities)
27 stars 4 forks source link

initial shaclc-grammars #49

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 3 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 months ago

@jeswr @HolgerKnublauch

You can see the links at the bottom of https://github.com/VladimirAlexiev/shacl/blob/shaclc-grammars/shacl-compact-syntax/grammar/README.md:

afs commented 3 months ago

In order to get to being a working group, the IP and copyright of material needs to be handled.

The different grammars are under different licenses or no license mentioned and have different copyright owners. They are not under the W3C Software License.

This should be written down somewhere with attribution for copyright (README may be).

The Community Contributor License Agreement does not apply if the copyright owner isn't the one contributing the work.

One possibility is to to link to resources rather than copy them, then have a clearly labelled "snapshot" with date and explain this is to protect against link rot.