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SHACLC: grok shaclc-XText and its advanced features #52

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 3 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 months ago

After https://github.com/GuntherRademacher/ebnf-convert/issues/8 was fixed, I was able to process shaclc-XText: https://rawgit2.com/VladimirAlexiev/shacl/shaclc-grammars/shacl-compact-syntax/grammar/shaclc-XText.html

It's much richer than the other candidate grammars, so @tw-osthus can you help us understand it and list all its features? Does such overview already exist? Maybe you have a report or paper with your proposed additions?

I'll tag not just @jeswr but also @HolgerKnublauch and @afs since some of these ideas seem worthy to do in SHACL as well.

Here's what I was able to see from a quick browse, but I understand no more than half of it:

tw-osthus commented 3 months ago

It has been a long time, since I had done it, but I will try to remember

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 months ago

@tw-osthus Thank you very much for your explanations, this is good text that can provide justifications for such features in a spec.

Can you think of any other features that I've missed?

afs commented 3 months ago

Have you decide on what complexity the grammar should be?

SPARQL is LL(1), which is simple in tech terms. It is compatible with LALR(1) there are parser generators for every programming ecosystem freely available.

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 months ago

Is there a tool to analyze complexity? I found only Grammophone but it doesn't support EBNF: https://github.com/mdaines/grammophone/issues/50