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Support for the {n,m} form for property paths #55

Open jerdebsp opened 1 month ago

jerdebsp commented 1 month ago

In SPARQL you can have a complex property path with the {n,m} form e.g ?otherClass (sh:property/sh:class){2,3} ?nodeShape . or the {n} form ?otherClass (sh:property/sh:class){2} ?nodeShape ..

Is it possible to add this to the SHACL property path for property shapes?

Thanks, Jer

HolgerKnublauch commented 1 month ago

Yes I think this was requested by others too, and would potentially make sense for SHACL 1.2 for symmetry reasons with SPARQL alone.

TallTed commented 3 weeks ago

Note that the {n,m} property path notation is not in SPARQL 1.0 nor SPARQL 1.1. It was in a draft of SPARQL 1.1, and has been raised as potentially a part of a future SPARQL version. It has also been raised specifically regarding the SPARQL 1.2 specification now in development.