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Adding timestamp on validation reports #56

Closed jerdebsp closed 6 days ago

jerdebsp commented 6 days ago

We have a use case where we need to store the validation reports in a store. Would it be useful to add a timestamp to each sh:ValidationReport?

HolgerKnublauch commented 6 days ago

There is no dedicated property for that, but could you simply add that triple in your own code?

jerdebsp commented 6 days ago

Yes that is possible, however, if we're using say SHACL API or PySHACL as part of a pipeline, then it makes it a bit messy (some shell script or executing a SPARQL update). I guess having it as part of the schema it would automatically be available, and would be easier when there are parallel processes as well

HolgerKnublauch commented 6 days ago

The problem that I see is that different audiences will prefer to have different properties here. For example, who ran it, against which data graph, with which shapes graph, include valid/invalid/warnings etc. There is an infinite number of such metadata properties, and an API would need to be defined to select them. This is no trivial task. Even the time stamp could be different for each result, if it runs for a few seconds.

jerdebsp commented 6 days ago

Yes your argument make sense to me. I will close this ticket then

jimkont commented 6 days ago

a small extension on annotation properties (in Shacl AF) should be able to cover custom triple annotations on results, outside of SHACL-SPARQL

jerdebsp commented 6 days ago

Lovely Dimitris. Had no clue about it. Thanks!