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SPARQL Template #54

Open ocorby opened 5 years ago

ocorby commented 5 years ago


Define RDF transformations, à la XSLT

Previous work

SPARQL Template Transformation Language http://ns.inria.fr/sparql-template/

Proposed solution

Add a template clause with text pattern.

template { ?s " " ?p " " ?o "." } where { ?s ?p ?o }

It is similar to:

select (group_concat(?out) as ?res) where { select (group_concat(concat(?s, " ", ?p, " ", ?o, ".")) as ?out) where { ?s ?p ?o } }

Considerations for backward compatibility

VladimirAlexiev commented 5 years ago

List of amazing things you can do with STTL (@ocorby please add)