w3c / specberus

Checker used at W3C to validate the compliance of Technical Reports with publication rules
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Editor's draft: avoid redirects #1453

Open deniak opened 2 years ago

deniak commented 2 years ago

Some specifications, e.g. https://www.w3.org/TR/secure-payment-confirmation/, lists an ED that leads to a 301. It would be good to avoid the unnecessary redirect.

tidoust commented 2 years ago

Another recent example is the version of WAI-ARIA 1.2 published yesterday

deniak commented 2 years ago

@michael-n-cooper, do you know who submitted the last wai-aria-1.2 to Echidna? I see spec-prod is skipping the publication so I'm guessing someone triggered the publication manually. I'm asking because the editor's draft lists the ED with the trailing slash and the source file has the same ED for some times so someone must have remove the trailing slash at some point.

deniak commented 2 years ago

Another recent example is the version of WAI-ARIA 1.2 published yesterday

I updated the ED to add the trailing slash in the database.

michael-n-cooper commented 2 years ago

@deniak just saw this, apologies for the error in the doc, I've found and fixed it in our source